Category Archives: Q-Anon

The Greatest War Story Ever Told, the Light has Won!

Source: Operation Disclosure

By Mark Baughman

Published September 24, 2021

The Greatest War Story Ever Told! The Light has Won!!

The informed people that have done their research know parts of this story; some know almost all of it. But to the general public, the “Greatest War in History” has been kept secret until this EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) that will be released in weeks if not a month away. The Alliance will release the horrible crimes against humanity in the coming weeks. Fake Main Stream Media controlled by the dark ones will be taken down. Yes, the mighty Alliance is made up of seventeen countries military forces and backed by the NESARA/GESARA laws (Global Economic and Reformation Act) signed in 2015 by all 209 countries of this world. Unknowing, the people ask, who is the enemy? What is the purpose? Well, the ones who do not know fully; have sensed it or know that there has been an evil part of humanity that has kept us in the dark. They have used every means possible for centuries and we are learning, it is really been for thousands of years. This enemy is a secret satanic society called the illuminati since the seventeen hundred’s and before that, the extension of the Roman Empire; The Catholic Church. Many calls it the Deep State, or the Cabal today. For they have bribed, threatened, killed, or usurped people, churches and governments to keep control of everyone on the planet. Of course, all people do understand this: for power, money and control of everyone and everything on the planet. Many published articles of the unbalanced financial statistics of the world, have stated in public articles, that the upper one percent control 60% of the world’s wealth. I am to enlighten everyone that the 0.1% of the super rich control 99.9% of the wealth, and most of it is hidden in tunnels and underground D.U.M.B.’s (Deep Underground Military Bases) at about three, five and ten kilometers down under our feet all over the world. I will tell more on these underground sanctuaries for the Cabal later, but these hidden to the world places was used to keep their major “Crimes Against Humanity” out of the eyes of the public, so they can do their evil without almost all from seeing it. This was to keep the normal population in the dark and uninformed.

Please understand, this “Greatest War in History” is a war completely different than storming the beaches of a country and taking it back. This is a war of information and infiltration. This war is secret from the general population too. They used all back room deals, money, threats and murder to keep there evil will going. But the good people all over the world took a stand and God’s will of releasing this planet from all evil was planned for millions of years. The dark will turn to the light, as God’s will stand forever on for humanity. For one of the greatest laws of God is to choose, for most of humanity, we were told lies from all sources, to keep us slaves to them and even made us think we had freedom in many countries, but we did not: even in America. For even our great Constitution was usurped in 1871 and made into a corporation and owned by the Vatican, as all countries on the planet were.

The crown jewels in the positive direction was two great documents; “The Declaration of Independence” and “The Constitution of the United States”. Of course, God or Prime Source Creator did send his son, Jesus or Yeshua (real name) to NOT allow Earth to go too dark or evil and to help save it. Until the time of the “Great Awakening”. This time is now and the near future. The beginning of the “Greatest Transition in Human History”.

Understand, the real story is that the Roman Empire was transformed into the Catholic Church, because the leaders of the fading Roman Empire needed a way to keep control, and used Council of Nicea, the real Son of God, to use Jesus name and story by the Dark Side to keep control of the planet. This was confirmed by “Q” in a live interview we had. From Q interview, Jesus was sent here to NOT allow Earth to turn forever evil or to the Dark. Understand that people who are NOT conscious and still have a bicameral mind, cannot think for themselves and need to be led. The conscious mind thinks for oneself, researches, leads him/her self and reflects on what is their purpose in life.

The decisions made in 321 A.D. was to allow “how Jesus was to be betrayed and worshipped.” They decided what chapters or books were to be allowed in the bible and what were not. This led to a total totalitarian Catholic Church who decided most things in Europe at the time; who was good and evil, who was to be king or queen, until many groups broke away by the 1500’s with protestant churches and as did many governments. But the Catholic Church did reign over the “Dark Ages” and committed many “Crimes Against Humanity”, including leading the 199-year war with Crusades over their truth of Who is right? The Muslims or the Catholics on how they worship the same God. This is the same in modern times, to allow Pedophile Priest to just be transferred around and still commit the same crimes, and most not being prosecuted. Many Priest had children with their Nuns that were killed once in birth, and many graves around some churches. This is part of Catholic Churches non-holy real agenda. In the upper parts of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, they were worshipping satan. The Romans learned this from a small group that they conquered years before. This was to get power and money. They really worship satan. Plan and simple, if you do your research.

Let us move up in time, the American Revolution; the war was won by really farmers against the Crown of England in 1776. Then with the great founding Fathers of America creating two of the greatest documents for a government in history, and everyone knows what they are. But the Crown of England was not going to let a major money income or land go, without more fighting, hence “the War of 1812” where they burnt the White House and burnt one set of greatest documents in history. People have to “wake-up” to the fact that the European elite and the Monarchy were NOT going to let America go, infiltration was the next step. Therefore, in 1871, President Grant gives over power to the Illuminati by the Republic of the Unites States gets turned over as a Corporation owned by the Vatican and ran by the Crown of England. Look what B.A.R. means “British Accreditation Registry”, this should tell you everything the “Maritime Law” in the American courts system, not independent of the Crown of England.

Next is the “The Federal Reserve”, in which, is owned by the Rothchilds, and is not part of the American Government at all. The Federal was bribed and usurped in 1913 into existents to control the money of America by the illuminati. Hell, the Titanic was sunk to killed the opposition to the Federal Reserve from being created. Therefore, the Rothchild’s and the illuminati controlled the U.S. Currency printing and how it was created and used.

All wars including the Civil war was created by the illuminati, tell what the illuminati member predicted three world wars. Albert Pike revealed in 1871 that the illuminati led world would have three world wars in the future. We did have two, they made great profit for their banking system supplied money to both sides. They got the results they wanted: created great sorrow and harm, so they can keep control of the world’s population. One can call the 9/11 false flag created by both the Bush’s Presidents, the CIA, the Mossad of Israel and the twin towers owners themselves. There were over six trillion dollars spent on the fake terrorists that were hired to do the CIA and illuminati bidding to have to go around the world and find a few people with bombs or guns that might harm a few people. This war was to keep going forever; that was their plan. Now, the World War III that Albert Pike talked about was suppose to be a fake alien invasion with real anti-gravity ships with robotic Grey Aliens inside the ships and have Special Forces really operate the ships. The mighty Alliance has stopped this plan, completely.

Now to tell the real heartbreaking news on human trafficking, pedophilia and adrenochrome processing and where it comes from. There was big evil on this planet; child sacrifice by the Catholic Church and satanic cults, and killing children for a chemical to extend their life, called adrenochrome. This is where we get into the top profit and selling drugs on planet Earth and beyond is adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is made from the blood of a child, younger the better, that has properties. To make the adrenochrome, children are shocked-electrically to get their adrenaline high and they then kill the children to extract the blood with a great amount of stem cells. The high adrenaline laced blood and the human stem cells will keep the blood drinker’s young. From the quote: “What exactly IS adrenochrome? In scientific terms, it is a chemical that is produced in the human body when adrenaline [also known as epinephrine] oxidizes. How is the chemical extracted? A potential victim is terrorized, thus increasing the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through their body. They are then killed and the adrenochrome is collected with a needle and syringe from the base of the back of their neck and spinal column. Once collected, the chemical can be sold on the black market at exorbitant prices.” Get it through to your head; these hidden REAL happenings on this planet, that six to eight million children get taken for mostly adrenochrome processing. This is pure evil. It did exist, out of sight on this planet. The mighty Alliance has stopped all of it, by September 2021.

The rescue of the children in the D.U.M.B.’s in the last five years, who were used to make adrenochrome, child sacrifice for the satanic cult of the illuminati and for sex was led by Special Forces of the Alliance. Pedophilia is normal in for many Deep State criminals. This is no different to many Hollywood people, politicians worldwide, and even many of the Royal Families. Epstein Island will be proof of that, even there are many more places and islands that this is carried out.

Back to history timeline, in the 1960’s, JFK was killed trying to dissolve the Federal Reserve, and the Deep State assassinated him for it, the money control is their main weapon. There are notebooks, thick ones, the Alliance has the exact scenario to take down the Cabal. But it has been in high-gear since the 9/11 false flag. The plans have been developed over that time. The Alliance goes back to Howard Hughes and Nicola Tesla, in the 1920’s. The Q team was formed by JFK in the 1960’s and after his assassination, 200 U.S. Generals & Admirals aligned with the Alliance and started the plan to take down the deep state cabal. It has been six decades in the making, and the current plan has been created and modified with the help of the military and using quantum computers for future timeline scenarios. The Q Anon group of 200 loyal generals, and concerned citizens that American would be taken over by socialism.

After 9/11, the Q group make there winning plans, to be a win, no matter the Deep States does to counter act it. Understand, with Operation Mockingbird in the 1950’s created by the CIA. The Deep State has controlled 90% the Main Stream Media, and the major internet companies. Know that the Republican Tea Party, they slowly destroyed the image, reputation and heart out of just conservative Republicans on the Fake News Media. The Deep State mafia media did the same to the Q Anon group who followed the “Q” Drops posted on 4 Chan or 8 Chan from October 2017 to December 2020. People need to understand, this was a way to bypass the fake news to get information to the military and the public for the real truth. President Trump was the first one to “shout out FAKE NEWS” to the public, just one of his major accomplishments. President Trump was attack endlessly on Fake Media. Also, President Trump was the first to use “Twitter” to bypass the Fake News Networks to “make sure his words did NOT get twisted, by the corrupt press.

The major Wins and concerns over the last five years:

President Trump’s election in 2016 with a great win for the good side! Trump’s loyalty to the real people of the United States was a major blow to the Deep State. Hillary was supposed to win. With Dominion computer running, the Deep State thought that to swing 20% of the switching votes over to Hillary would win the election. They just did not understand the awaken American people to the same old crap that Hillary offered. I never seen that much mud-slinging ever in the election, and Hillary paid for it, the American people could finally see right through it!

Military action was needed to cut the head of the snake off as soon as possible happened even before Trump’s inauguration, with taking down the top 13 illuminati families. Let me tell you about the first major action taken by the Alliance and it was multi-raids at the same time on December 24th, 2016. Understand President Trump was first elected on November 8th, 2016. Trump met with the military Generals and Admirals, on November 9th, 2016 to discuss the take down of the top thirteen families of the world most powerful mafia called the illuminati. Know that President Trump was selected by our great military and Admiral Rogers met with him in 2014 to convince him to run. Since Admiral Rogers was head of the NSA, he knew that Trump was clean and without corruption. Back to the first raid that determined the direction of the planet; to the light (good) or the dark (evil). They all lived in Venice, Italy. Why this was the perfect time to take-down the top families? This was the last day of the satanic festival of three days, and the Alliance knew they would all be at their homes. The military knew that the climax of the static ritual was to sacrifice a child. The criminals were vulnerable then. The Alliance assembled the best Special Operations, Delta Force, and Navy Seal teams, and were assigned one family’s home each. All top criminal families had to be taken down that night and not one operation could fail. The fate of the world was hanging on these operations that night. All operations succeeded is wonderous fashion. Much gratitude to the military who was a part of that wonderful operation. I hope you will be honored and have a movie made of this major part of history for humanity!

Understand about the evil underground safe haven for the illuminati operations. There are were over 3,500 Dumbs worldwide with 10,000 miles of Mav-Lev Trains in tunnels built by the illuminati connecting most major D.U.M.B.’s; to trafficking Children, people, Drugs, and processing Adrenochrome. The mighty Alliance has been taking out the tunnels and DUMB’s really since the 1980’s but the real push has been since President Trump first took office. Gene Decode kept all us Anon’s informed for years of the progress of the tunnel and D.U.M.B.’s worldwide, by the pattern of earthquakes that were about 3, 5, and 10 kilometers down, all over the world. His “decodes” were perfect to keep up on the secret war with the illuminati. What is the proof? Well, a normal earthquake has P & S waves in the signal, were a tactical nuke used to blow-up tunnels does not. The weapons explosion has only one wave, it why you can tell the difference. When they are exactly at these depths, it is clearly not fake. Also, we would get earthquakes at negative depth, means that the explosions were in Earth’s atmosphere, this was cloaked anti-gravity crafts of the illuminati being taken-out by weapons from the Alliance, once they started to try to escape. Hell, real proof was recently, that there are salt water geysers in the middle of Greece now, because what was there before was a Mav-Lev train tunnel that was taken out by Alliance forces. At one point, in the take-down of the tunnels and D.U.M.B.s, the Alliance lost about 200 special forces in an underground tunnel off of Iceland. They thought the Deep State agents were going to surrender, but once Alliance forces got there, they set off bombs and blow everyone up, including themselves. We need to honor their great sacrifice.

The real reason for the Norte Dame Fire was to stop the Child Sacrifices that were about to happen on Easter weekend. The Alliance warned the people inside to get valuables out of it, and five days before Easter Sunday, the Alliance hit it with a DEW (Direct Energy Weapon) (Lazer Weapon) from space satellite or a TR3B U.S. Air Force anti-gravity craft. This happened on April, 15, 2019 and was a major win in the secret war with the illuminati. This was a warning to the Vatican to stop all child sacrifices. I found out later, that about 600 children were planned to be sacrificed that weekend, to try to resurrect Lucifer himself into a body. You do not think this can happen, ask again and research.

Biden did not win the Election in 2020, it was major fraud that Trump and the Alliance allowed to happened not only to arrest people who have done this for decades, but to NOT ever to allow it to happen again. This is to reveal to the American people and the world, for it has gone on forever in every country. President Trump who we knew won the majority, but really won by 80.4% of the real vote, also monitored by the QVS (Quantum Voting System). This will be revealed soon and President Trump will take office again, in grand style too. Once the EBS goes off.

We do know that Biden really just got sworn in to the old U.S. Corporations that Ulysses S. Grant allowed to be formed in 1871 by the illuminati. Grant was a drunk, and that was paid off, just like many politicians and government people of today. The original constitution was changed by these traitors back then. Currently, this fake corporation is bankrupt and defunct, and many Patriots do NOT know that. Fake Biden is president of absolutely nothing, except the 10 square mile area of D.C. that is really not part of America. About 80% of Congress members have been arrested and charged, the same as all of the Supreme Court. It was determined by the Military that these two entities that allowed Biden into office without a proper due process; was “captured entities”.

The Deep State threaten with 6 suit-case style tactical nuclear weapons if Biden is not allowed to go into office. The Alliance did not allow Biden to have the Nuclear Football (Nuclear weapons control suitcase) and any access to the Pentagon or intelligence from the NSA, or the Department of Defense.

Gene Decode reveals in early September 2021 the Alliance has control of the Cabal tactical Nuclear weapons. The Department of Defense releases on 9/21/2021 that they “the finding and disarming of 11 cabal nukes used as leverage by cabal to prevent their arrests”. It is all over for the Deep State rats, bring in the justice and arrest, let it rain Special Forces on these bastards! Understand, our Constitution has a way to make sure, turnover to a so-called new elected President is legal and lawful, the military had to take over the country, and by March 6, 2021 determined there was massive voter fraud, and the Department of Defense reinstated President Trump as Commander-in-Chief on March 11, 2021.

The illuminati are behind the American takeover, with the CCP to infiltrate our government and take over. It has been in the plans for decades, because the American Military have “become awake” to the knowledge the illuminati finances both sides of the war to profit and create great suffering of the population. The American military does not play those games anymore.

Here is what Commander Ashtar stated last year on 10/27/2020 about the Chinese CCP troops and goals of placing bases all over the world: “Why did the Communist Chinese military land on Canadian soil?

Ashtar: They are, in fact, the new Deep State army. Trump has much control over the American army now. Ashtar: They will try to install bases around the world however it won’t be permitted.”

In January to February 2021 timeframe, the CCP allegedly had troops in Canada, and the Mexican border to come over into America after Biden took office at about 250,000 to 300,00 range. The CCP had bought property in Oklahoma to place troops there too. The Alliance made good on their threat back to the Deep State to “take them out” when CCP troops went through underground tunnels in New York State to and we think in Pennsylvania from intelligence received. The first 25,000 Chinese troops were taken out in their underground D.U.M.B was by a F-16 who release a bunker buster bomb.

The F-16 was hit with counter-measures and was flying cripple over Michigan after the release, where the pilot ejected to safety in upper-Michigan somewhere.

The D.U.M.B. that had 50,000 troops in it was deeper tunnel, and the military used the “Rods of God” launched from a satellite which is “tungsten steel telephone pole shaped projectiles” that can penetrate up to ten kilometers down without using any explosive device, the impact is enough to destroy over a large area. The Chinese troops on the Mexican border and Canada have been taken care of months and months ago by Alliance forces, from sources. The take-out of these underground D.U.M.B.’s was confirmed by multi-military sources.

The is the same for the exact timing of the Taiwan troops and American troops in battle with the CCP in mainland China is not known, but from my intelligence, the Taiwan government it was in early February 2021. We do know there were an American Carrier Group that was operating in the South China Sea and air-to-air combat did happen and the Red Air Force of China did suffer many loses that day. We do know that three Navy Carrier Groups (about 100 ships) were off the West Coast in the Pacific and two Navy Carrier Groups off the east coast in the Atlantic at one point in time to protect our borders.

The Alliance forces were clearly taking-out tunnels and D.U.M.B’s under mainland China months and months before that from reports and updates on the so-called earthquakes that were exacting ten kilometers down, where Gene Decode knows this is take-out of these underground evil safe havens for decades of this major criminal activity of Deep State operatives. Alliance Leader of Canada has confirmed the CCP is kaput, as she says it. This was two month ago. She also stated on 9/22/2021 that if you report that there are now Chinese troops on Canada soil, “you will be arrested to go what she calls a Spa. (Spa=Military Firing Squad/Hanging)”.

The Evergiven Ship stuck in the Suez Canal in March of 2021, was a major win for the Alliance. The mighty Alliance stopped many things to their destination, including: Weapons of Mass Destruction (nuclear and bio-weapons) Adrenochrome, aborded Baby Fetus tissue to use in vaccines, and live children in the ship’s containers. All containers were searched on the ship by Alliance Special Forces. The Evergreen ship that is stuck in the Suez Canal was stuck there to reveal many things including Child Trafficking. There were over 1,245 children rescued on that ship inside containers. There was about 1200 children found dead in the containers too. This is the illuminati worldwide trafficking system. The pilot of the ship was Alliance, but the holes in Microsoft software allowed the Space Force to hack into the ships software and take over the steering and ran it aground. It was carrying WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Destruction) too. Many other ships that were blocked carried weapons to start a war in the middle-east, the weapons were going to be given to the Muslims by the Israel Mossad. The plan is to reveal all in the news. The Deep State is losing 400 million an hour with the ships stuck, yeah!! With this, and the 10 days of truth on TV once the EBS is activated and everyone will learn about child trafficking and the crimes against humanity, so evil and real. Alliance Special Forces have been used to search and prevent any Deep State cargo, for the Clintons were part owners of the Evergreen Shipping lines.

From about April to September 2021, Myanmar and Afghanistan are now in Alliance control, they burnt all there “Poppy Field” which was the major source not only for illegal trade of drugs, but Gene Decode revealed 50% content of all Big Pharma drugs use opium and oil derivatives in their pills. How sick these deep state rats are. Afghanistan is now the first Deep State free country in the world. The reason America had to leave Afghanistan was to satisfy the NESARA/GESARA laws, of no foreign troops on anybody’s countries soil. Remember, peace agreement throughout the world.

The last major push for the illuminati, was creating the fake Covid-19 crisis and to get everyone vaccinated in the goal to depopulate the world to 500 million worldwide, for their final control push. This will blow-up in their face. The EBS will reveal all about the Covid-19, many Physicians, nurses and real researches have a ton of information on the internet by articles or videos. Simple, the Covid-19 is a bacterium, and can be easily cured with ivermectin or HCQ, hydrochloraquine. Also, the vaccines are poison, with many harmful chemicals inside to slowly kill you, the more jabs you get, the closer to death you are! Know that medical professionals pushing this “experiment chemical mix” that is NOT a vaccine will be prosecuted by international Nuremburg 2.0 Court system in the future. Understand, any drug or injection, the patient HAS TO BE INFORMED IT IS EXPERIMENTAL, or else the caregiver can be charged for that crime and they will be prosecuted. Understand, arrests have been on-going for the past five years and with ongoing military tribunals all over the world. Queen Romana announces that 2.7 cabal member were executed so far by September 2021.

On the safety of everyone’s money and finance’s, there will be complete takeover of the Planet’s finances is the QFS, (Quantum Financial system, that is unhackable. Everyone will have an account on this system in the world. To reset, there will be a GCR or Global Currency Reset, and R/V or Re-Evaluation of currencies, who countries was completely devalued unjustly like; Iraq, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. There will be more countries involved, but those are examples.

What the Near Future Holds

The EBS will happen in the next few weeks or months, and final take-down of the Deep State rats all over the world. This is why Lynn Wood announced everyone should get three to four weeks of food for your family.

The Alliance will be using the Space Force weapon to “black-out” electricity, cell phones, internet in a city area, the Alliance forces will use even total black-out maybe even two weeks either to flush them out, and capture them on the run or to keep the black-out and track them down inside the military quarantine area to their hide-outs. The Alliance already know who they are. Understand, most areas with very little Cabal members, like out in the country or small towns, probably will NOT see any interruptions to their services. Gene Decode used Melbourne, Australia as a Deep State strong-hold city. Expect tougher ways to corner these rats on these strong-holds. In America, we know Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, and New York, as possible strong-holds. Understand, the Alliance will be out there to enforce martial law worldwide and to round up the Deep State rats, as Romana Didulo says in “unmarked Aircrafts (no country flag) is ours/Allied Forces.”

For the New Earth and its direction, humanitarians will lead the way, to rebuild the planet, with technology that was hidden and to stop all hunger, poverty, no one without housing and no children being harmed, ever! We will do it with zero-point energy; a way to free-energy, hydrogen or electric cars, food replicators, anti-gravity technology and the crown-jewel Med-Beds or Celestial Chambers to fix ALL aliments for the body. No one will be left out on the planet and all will share in the wealth and abundance of this great human planet. The first major transition of the planet will be in the next three to six weeks, from multi-sources, but exact timing is unknown. We do know this is a major transition for humanity.

Prime Creator’s Statement, the Crimes against humanity and against the Children, quote “Enough is Enough”. For God will always prevail over the Dark, for the “Greatest War in History” on planet Earth is the Light triumph over the Dark, the evil of this world. In the next few weeks or months, the EBS will reveal the Deep State’s crimes against humanity, humanity will cry in tears of sadness.

This will be the “Great Awakening”. But with this information, we will realize humanity has reached the next step of evolution, to become closer to God, to know the truth of what happened. And to know more truths of hidden technology and the truth of the Galaxy and other worlds. For humanity is just really getting started, the final step to what is really real, and truthful. For so God will shine the Light on humanity and let the truth be told. The war over the dark has been won! Let Freedom reign throughout the cosmos, and let God’s light shine for everyone! God Bless Everyone! (Q Drop #3950)

Jordan Sather Has Been Executed By White Hat Navy Seals?







Note from RedPill Doctor:

This sounds like total rubbish. Even that we know that Charlie Ward is Cabal, and Jordan Sather is a fake Patriot, This story is crazy and has not been vetted.

Sounds like the CIA is planting Fake News in the Truther movement, to get the Patriots up in arms or distrustful of everything and everyone.

Don’t spread the Garbage, but research it and find the Truth. This post is not to bring doubts, but to help you remember that we are up against Evil that will say and do anything to distroy Humanity.

Please do research and feel free to comment.


Charlie Ward giving the 666 sign, means…

Q – We Are The Plan Official

By Joe M (Storm is upon us)

Something is going on.

Some of us see it.

Some of us feel it.

It’s time to expand your thinking.

You will need to reset everything you thought you knew about the world.

About the people you trust.

About history.

About yourself.

Let me tell you a story.

For a very long time, our world has been under the growing influence of a vast trans-generational criminal mafia that was able to rise up to the highest levels of power.

We didn’t know because they talked and acted just like you and me.

We thought we could recognize true criminals by their words and actions, but were deceived by their sophisticated speech, wealth, education, beauty and power.

Through a system of threats, blackmail and bribery, they would come to occupy the highest levels of power in government, corporations and education.

You may know them the Deep State, or cabal.

Most dangerously of all, they achieved almost total influence over the media – their primary means of controlling the good people of the world who were just trying to get on with living.

They used this power to slowly convince us that WE were the problem, that we were a threat to each other.

They funded both sides of wars just to crush bour potential to prosper and succeed as a peace-loving and creative force of good for the world.

Now, with a firm grasp on the media, we drank in their entertainment and lies as they begantheir final phase – the total takedown of America.

We were brightest remaining beacon of freedom, and humanity’s last hope.

They knew that if they could take America, the rest of the world would follow.

They cut deals that led us to hand over total control of the money system to a private central bank, the Federal Reserve.

This made it possible to influence Washington D.C, and most of our presidents since then were beholden to the criminals in one way or another.

Things took a really bad turn when they concentrated vast power into the hands of the many intelligence agencies throughout the world.

They said they were there to protect us.

Instead these agencies were catastrophically weaponized to boost drug and human trafficking cartels, assassinate political opponents, undermine the military and change regimes of foreign governments who did not want to adopt this centralized system of money control.

You might think they would choose simply to remain in the shadows running their criminal activities while we carried on with our lives – but as long as there was freedom for the people to prosper, the cabal were always at risk of being discovered and shut down.

There was no way to continue without a plan to eliminate all threats to their survival,

even if it meant imposing a single world government under their jurisdiction – where no national identity, police force or military could stop them.

They called it Globalism.

Exploiting our emotions, and our instincts of compassion, they found a way to justify dismantling cultures, borders and national identity under the guise of social justice – creating false narratives of racism, colonialism and capitalism to destabilize and ultimately collapse societies so that they were no longer secure enough to reject this dark plan for the world.

Where there was no history to distort, they would use wars to force a catastrophic mass migration of peoples across borders to destabilize and weaken cultural identity.

When we didn’t accept this, they called us intolerant and shamed us into silence.

By 2008, America was in advanced stages of economic decline,

with disastrous trade deals leading to widespread loss of jobs, and a devastating financial crisis.

The cabal had now absorbed another extensive criminal empire that was aligned with a twisted and radical form of Islam.

Realizing the competition could threaten their goals, they decided to cooperate and agree to mutual terms.

Now, a hostile foreign enemy was able to insert a subordinate into the US political system who would become the president.

Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talaal funded Obama’s Harvard education and took power by proxy, picking his entire cabinet while buying vast quantities of control in our largest media companies.

The Western faction of the cabal was different.

It was another kind of sick altogether.

A dark and deeply sinister death cult with a strong reliance on symbolism and numerology with levels of cruelty unimaginable to all right thinking people.

The reach and scale this secret society had achieved would have sent destabilizing shockwaves across the world were it ever to be publicly exposed.

They were highly skilled at living just below the surface as they worked their way into the United States presidency.

With both factions of the global mafia now in control, are you ready to hear what they had planned?

Make sure you’re sitting down.

They installed rogue operators in government.

They opened back doors to leak highly classified military intel and top secret special access programs (SAPs).

They cut military funding and weakened the command of generals with irrational new rules of engagement.

They worked to dismantle NASA and end our supremacy in space.

They infiltrated and exposed defensive military intelligence programs that reduced our ability to detect foreign and domestic threats.

They used our trusted agencies to target and weaken political opponents.

They relaxed our borders and enabled passage of millions of illegals and violent criminal gangs.

They moved money to fund global terrorism, resulting in groups like ISIS moving to capture vast territories throughout the world.

In 2016, the cabal alliance had hoped to retain power.

If you are not yet chilled to the bone by the picture that is forming about their intentions for us all, let me tell you what was to come next.

Through international climate change scams, they would have syphoned trillions of remaining wealth, eliminate the last good guys in government and withdraw total funding from the U.S military, handing over the responsibility of our defense to the United Nations.

They would revise the constitution to weaken our ability to fight back, ban the sale of firearms to eliminate our self-defense, insert their people into the Supreme Court, remove the electoral college system to neuter our voting power and totally eliminate alternative media to shield them from exposure.

They instigated a covert deal to move large quantities of our uranium to their captured states in North Korea and Iran to build up a nuclear arsenal that would threaten the world.

For this, they blamed Russia, a growing force of opposition to their ambitions of global control.

By casting Putin as an enemy, and blaming him for this illegal uranium deal, they had planned a devastating nuclear world war between America and Russia

that would have exhausted the last two remaining pillars of freedom for the world, accelerating the horrific endgame that had become inevitable.

This cabal miraculously lost power in 2016 when a brave operation, led by a US military alliance and their global partners, were able to return power legitimately over to the light.

They had a plan of their very own, one that was many decades in the making.

With Donald Trump selected for the role of president, the people of America were slowly awakened to the reality of the world they live in.

With so much hidden and lied about in the media channels we had come to trust for our news and entertainment, this alliance of good set into a motion a sophisticated strategy of dismantling the vast network of corruption that had almost completely overcome every level of government, industry and the legal system.

They knew they had to follow the laws of the land as they were originally intended otherwise they themselves would be delegitimized, even though they were just trying to free us from the silent stranglehold of tyranny that we had come to accept as normal.

The panicking Deep State used any remaining power they had left to try save themselves

Each day for two years was a careful and meticulously planned balancing act between public perception and the job that needed to be done.

Moving too fast would shock and scare a sleeping public still living in the prison of the mind that was created for them.

But, after all this, it appears now that not only are we winning, but we have WON!

The trajectory of this great storm is now radiantly clear.

Now we look forward to a new future, thanks to the brave patriots who risked everything to save our world – this time FOR GOOD.

There is not a person alive who has experienced what a world without this darkness could be like.

A world of free energy that was kept from us to force our dependency on their fossil fuel monopolies.

Abolishment of income tax that was illegally imposed to pay back interest on loans taken from the cabal banking system.

Released cures for our most deadly diseases.

Unleashed space technologies to open frontiers we never dreamed possible.

New technologies creating millions of jobs and yielding a global human renaissance the likes of which we have never seen.

Fellow Americans, and citizens of the world.

Now it’s OUR turn to shine.

Wherever we are, we will become the PLAN when we choose to reject what they called GLOBALISM.

We recognize the words they used to bend us to their will, and we say no more.

It’s time to turn off the media, follow your instincts, trust yourself and BE THE PLAN!

May God bless America, and the world.

Dark To light

Q – Dark To Light stormisuponus

Published October 18, 2020

By Storm is upon us

— There was a time when our children stood at attention, put their hand on their heart, and in one UNITED voice, recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. When STRENGTH and HONOR meant something. When standing for our FLAG meant something.

There was a time when our history was taught with PRIDE and RESPECT. When respect was given to those who serve(d), bled, and died to protect and defend our freedoms.


It was when WE, THE PEOPLE, decided our future and had a voice that was heard.

We are all bound by a feeling deep inside. Our TV screens tell us different, and ridicule us for speaking out, but deep inside we know that people in power are exploiting and abusing us, while using the powerful media apparatus to pretend they are not.

For far too long we were silent and allowed our bands of strength, that we once formed to defend FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to deteriorate. We became weak. We elected TRAITORS to govern us. We allowed EVIL to prey on us. Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises. The evil and corruption only grew. They invented the word ‘Globalism’ to advance on their agenda of tyranny undetected, using fake narratives of social justice to neuter our resolve to fight back, and silence us with shame.

If you lived through a Globalist revolution, you will remember many false promises of prosperity and justice for all, but observing only poverty, violence and death. One after another, these nations were looted for every resource the land and waters produced. Citizens who would not surrender their freedoms were threatened, marginalized or even killed, those who did were exploited like cattle.

They accused us of destroying the environment. For creating poverty. For slavery. For not going to college. Or for just giving up.

What you must learn is that it has always been THEM: a colossal mutated global criminal class who had risen and occupied every level of corporate, legal and political power imaginable.

In 2016, they were preparing for an endgame that was to start with the election of Hillary Clinton, and within 8 years would have culminated in nothing less than a mass global nuclear holocaust.

Yet somehow, while humanity was taking its last step over the precipice of extinction, there was a miracle. You may know it as The Plan.

Brave Patriots set into motion a sophisticated military-grade global sting operation against the overwhelming network of corruption that led all the way to the top of the world banking system, D.C, the Vatican, and the Crown.

By the time good people of the world learned of the frightening reality they were living in, and how close we came to the end of it all, we had already been saved.

Raging around us is the final phase of a vast global shadow war – not between nations – but between the forces of good, and the most unimaginable of evils.


They defend the violent criminal gangs of MS-13? They openly promote the dismantling of our borders. They said there would be nuclear war if Trump remained in office? They encouraged violence against conservatives and speakers. They pushed hate, war and economic decline. They wanted to stop peace talks with North Korea.

They called for Trump to be impeached, not even providing a reason. They tried to get us to hate America. And so many obeyed. But now, each day, more and more, we see they are terrified.

They knew this day would come. The entire world is watching. Patriots from around the world know that if AMERICA should fall, so falls the world. That is why we have Q.

We the people, patriots everywhere, stand at the ready. We volunteer our talents willingly. We fight. We think for ourselves. Dark to light.

God Bless America and all patriots of the world. We are going to show you a new world. Those who are blind will soon see the light. A beautiful brave new world lies ahead. History is being made. You are the saviors of mankind. Nothing will stop what is coming. Nothing”

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” “You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, “There is a price we will not pay.” “There is a point beyond which they must not advance.” “We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.” -Ronald Reagan WE STAND TOGETHER.

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”

1 Corinthians 16:13




By: GeorgeEaton

Date: Saturday, 3-Oct-2020

The day before Trump entered the hospital, he declared a national emergency. It concerns the new monopoly communist China has gained over a vitally necessary group of 17 minerals called “rare earth elements,” (REEs). They are used to build a wide range of products, both consumer and military. There is no known substitute for them, and China controls most of their production.
The reason this is so important is an advanced society depends on the production of new products that include these rare elements. It is also intertwined with national defense in more ways than people realize. This means that being dependent on a communist nation for those elements would compromise our ability to defend ourselves and also maintain our production edge in manufacturing cutting edge products.

The Executive Order states: the USA find(s) that a strong America cannot be dependent on imports from foreign adversaries for the critical minerals that are increasingly necessary to maintain our economic and military strength in the 21st century.”

It is now national policy “to reduce the Nation’s vulnerability to disruptions in the supply of critical minerals.” He warned: “Our dependence on one country..China…for multiple critical minerals is particularly concerning. The United States now imports 80 percent of its rare earth elements directly from China..” His executive order detailed how important just three of the REEs are to the United States:

The United States also disproportionately depends on foreign sources for barite, (barium). The United States imports over 75 percent of the barite it consumes, and over 50 percent of its barite imports come from China. Barite is of critical importance .. which is vital to the energy independence of the United States.

The US depends on foreign sources for 100 percent of its gallium, with China producing around 95 percent of the global supply. Gallium-based semiconductors are indispensable for cellphones,.. diode lasers, and fifth-generation telecommunications.
Like for gallium, the United States is 100 percent reliant on imports for graphite, which is used to make advanced batteries for cellphones, laptops, and hybrid and electric cars. China produces over 60 percent of the world’s graphite and almost all of the world’s production of high-purity graphite needed for rechargeable batteries. (much of this information was taken from The New American article: ” Trump Declares National Emergency as China Monopolizes Rare Earth Elements”)

This is a bigger issue than people realize. This has to do with NATIONAL DEFENSE as well as a continued healthy economy. Some of these rare earth elements can be used in weapons systems, and if they are proliferated to rogue adversary nations and terrorists – they could make an attack on our nation and the world much worse than all the attacks in World War 2 combined.
I have in a roundabout way, written about this danger for many years. It is never discussed outside the military and secret agencies above a whisper. It is so sensitive, imagine if you will, radical Muslim terrorists by the millions finding in their backyard, all the elements necessary to blow up New York City, Washington DC, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Rome, Tel Aviv, Moscow and Berlin. And, all they had to do was easily carry those elements or “rocks as weapons”, from their backyard, to the city of their choosing and drop them off in a downtown area. How many of those radical Muslims would go for it?!? Answer: All of them.
It would be a nightmare situation. It would be unthinkable, and yet this explanation describes exactly what we face unless our nation STOPS the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. And the rare earth elements are a direct link to this scenario. The day before Trump is rushed to the hospital, finally, he declared a NATIONAL EMERGENCY on the very thing I have been trying to warn people about for years.

I saw this danger before Trump was president, and was writing about the necessity to stop North Korea and other terrorist nations from developing advanced weapons that could be spread across the globe. My concern was that eventually the advancements our nation made in weapons would leak to adversary nations. Once that happened, then it was only a matter of time when they would share them with terrorists. I also wrote about this in one of my books titled: “The Catalina Conspiracy”.

I do not exaggerate when I say we are on the precipice of a global human disaster of biblical proportions unless the government prevents those weapons from being used.
Trump has started to make the right steps to get a handle on this disaster by focusing on China and declaring a national emergency to control those rare earth elements – before it is too late.

Frankly, I believe it may already be too late. Trump had no clue the dangers that were lurking behind the scenes when he first took office. Perhaps those in the know never explained in detail the magnitude of the problem. So instead, he was trying to build economies and diplomatic friendships with communist leaders while they were plotting against our nation behind his back.

In the first year of Trump’s administration we had a host of ships and military assets ready to take out North Korea, but instead Trump didn’t take the advice of his wise military advisors, and instead believed the communist liars that they were going to “play nice” and get rid of their nuclear missiles and weapons of mass destruction.

I am afraid that was our last chance to initiate the “gleaning, guarding and protective process”. Which is the stopping of rogue nations and terrorists from creating destruction worldwide – on a scale the world has never before witnessed. Instead of guarding the world from the deadly spread of genocidal weapons – North Korea has built more nukes. Iran already has secretly collected nukes and has been given more time to build more. And China has become wealthier, monopolized rare earth elements and also increased their arsenals and military strength.
In addition to that, Israel is now within weeks of facing an enemy that has nuclear weapons – all because they were waiting on the US to join forces with them – and make a critical stand against dangerous enemies that were out to slaughter and obliterate their nation from off the face of the earth.

America has tolerated the corrosive effects of two poisonous ultra-liberal presidents – and literally suffered 8 years of corrupt Clinton and 8 more years of socialist Obama. This devolvement and corruption of our society prevented us in making the move against an enemy of Israel that has vowed to annihilate them.
Israel made their case over and over again to Europe, America and the United Nations – all to no avail – because no one took them seriously. Now it may be too late.

To be honest with you, I am not a fan of the Israeli government. Their historical treatment of the Muslims in and outside their borders has been abysmal to say the least, regardless of their rationale and excuses. Everyone knows this, including the fundamentalist Israelis living in Israel that are trying to revamp the nation’s policies and step away from an apartheid type state. But, that is beside the point of the high tech war Israel now faces. If they go down, Europe and the US are next – and in short order.

Neither am I anti-Iran or anti peaceful Muslim. What we face globally is beyond sectarian squabbles – these advanced weapons can be utilized for destruction by any nationality, anywhere in the world.

Since conservative talking, populist Trump has been president, general after general resigned from the Whitehouse, and we lost a highly qualified Secretary of State, and many high-level advisors, the most in any presidency – all because no one would take them seriously about the global threat – which makes it necessary to stop dangerous enemies from obtaining and using advanced weapons that can destroy entire cities within mere seconds. This historical failure could cost the lives of BILLIONS of people – not millions or hundreds of millions, but BILLIONS.

I supported Trump’s campaign policies, but once he was elected the only policies he enacted were economic changes, leaving the great majority of his promises unfulfilled. This has left all the nations of the earth vulnerable to terrorism. When warlike nations all around you are gearing up for war, it is not a time to seek peace.

Keep in mind these advanced weapons are so secret that even once we get through this – if we get through this, it will NEVER be disclosed to the public. These weapons are classified far above top secret and are a thousand times more secretive than the Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb.

From what I can tell, what we are about to face is another World War. It appears that Trump finally got the message and understands the severity of what we face, and has made the military and political moves to join forces with NATO, Israel and other nations to face this threat head on. But to do so, requires a herculean determination and commitment to confront enemies that are insanely driven to use weapons of mass destruction against us. It is a dangerous commitment to make, but one that is necessary and genuinely required if we are to stop the global annihilation of the human race.

This is the “great standing” where men of uncommon valor and strong inner stature will bear the “first shock” when dealing with enemy nations. But this is exactly what they must face head on, if we are to be successful against a relentless enemy hell bent on our destruction. No other time in history will match this event in severity and in challenging the human spirit. The average man would melt in the face of these pressures.
If this battle can be won then we can enter into an era of peace unparalleled in human history. It is then we can start to deal with one world global socialism and teach again, by example, the necessity of maintaining independent Republics, individual liberties and the free enterprise system. For now, all we can do safely, is to simply stand and watch. George Eaton

My books available postage paid:
Project Genocide $10 Son of Nibiru $15
Thrones of Draco $15
Zero Hour $15 The Patriot Rebellion $15
Payable to: George Eaton, P.O Box 127, Ponderay, ID. 83852 (Subscriptions for the Priority Report: $25 @ year, bi-monthly plus extra issues when warranted.)

Note from RedPill Doctor:

Knowing that Q is the highest Military intelligence, I have to kindly disagree with George Eaton on the Security of our Nation and our World.

President Trump is guided by higher forces and intelligent beings. They are very aware of the malevolent entities disguised as CCP. Our great President Donald Trump has everything taken care of.

No weapon turned against us shall prosper. We are the children of God Almighty, so there is nothing to fear.

President Donald Trump is being guided and protected. We need to keep him, his family & friends, our White Hats, Q Team, the Alliance and our amazing Military in constant prayers of protection.
