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11/28/2017 Jared Rand The History of the Human Race Audio / Video

11/19/2017 Jared Rand follow up Call Replay Part 1

11/19/2017 Jared Rand follow up Call Replay Part 2

11/18/2017 Jared Rand on RV/GCR Healing Tech Encouraging Interesting Call Audio / Video


JARED RAND: Hello! Hi, how are you? I guess it’s morning, noon, and night.

Been listening to everybody talk. A little bit about my background, my name is Jared Rand. In a good way attached to the company Sperry Rand, Rand McNally, RAND Corporation. I became involved in the transition in this country 36 years ago. And I was one of the people that was approached in college on a process that needed to be enacted to carry our country after over 150 years of tyranny into a true republic.
So it’s interesting the process here, and I’ve heard a lot of people talk and the concerns and how many people have suffered and you all know that on this planet today, many, many brothers and sisters are suffering and passing. Way before this monetary shift was envisaged, and we do what we can to help those that we can in stressful times because we’re all responsible for each other, and we always will be on this planet.

And the interesting thing is, when you’ve got so many varying governing bodies on the planet: different cultures, different social structures, you have layered tiers of those in command. When I’m talking about those in command, I’m talking about the off-worlders, the galactic council, the Asian families, the sovereign European families, the so-called keepers of the wealth of the planet.

Then you have the good people who have become good, who weren’t too good awhile ago, but who decided that they didn’t want this planet to be destroyed, and they wanted to start doing good things for humanity. So, I don’t think any of us have stellar backgrounds, we’ve all made mistakes in our lives. The fact of the matter is, when you have so many nooks and crannies, if you will, scattered just across this country, in North America, where you have the rot and the slime that has just grown completely out of control. And every village, township, parish, state, city… it is massive.

And when we talk about the 1,800 – for better choice of a word – arrest warrants, which they will end up becoming, we’re looking at, folks, literally tens of thousands of arrests. See, I’m trying to give you a good understanding of the scope of this, alright? I50 years of rot and criminality perpetrated against the American people on a knowing basis, repeatedly, generation after generation of these people who did what they have done, and also knowing that they have done it, alright?

Shame on us, we fell asleep at the wheel, we weren’t awake, we became complacent as people, and we pulled ourselves away from running our country. And we just said, let the government do it, let the government do it. Obviously they aren’t our government and never were.

So what has happened here is that you start off with a good idea. Just like anything. You have an idea, it looks like a good model, you get people together that care about the country, and they all sit around and they say, you know, this is a good thing but, man, is it a huge undertaking. I don’t know if we can do it or not. And then you have the other people that say, yeah, we can do it, we can do it. And as a lot of you well know, there are not a lot of leaders, true leaders. Either you’re born a leader or you’re not. That’s the bottom line. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of C students in this country leading A students around.

But anyway, the effect of this finally took hold. And more and more good people started joining forces. And they started working in a collaborative effort to rid this country of the cesspool or the infection [clears throat] that has grown at an exponential rate through the years. And what we have now is that we have a country on the verge of finally becoming a republic. And all of us on this call should be really proud of the fact that we’re part of it. That we’re actually going to witness a shift in a country of over 300 million people, and a shift of the entire planet, of every single country to a gold-backed currency.

And I’d really like to let people know that the amount of wealth on this planet has accumulated over tens of thousands of years. Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Caesar and the Roman empire, which partially still exists at the Vatican. And you start realizing that some of the wealth is taken off-planet, but the majority of the wealth is still here, buried in underground vaults as I’m sure a lot of you have heard. This wealth is for the human race. It’s for you, me, everybody: the people that are suffering right now. The people that are getting ready to lose their homes now. All of the American people and the people across the planet.

And then what we have is, we have the technologies. Now, we have a foundation that we’ve had for many years; that we’ve met many, many inventors; that we’ve seen and experienced much of these technologies. So we’ve verified, confirmed, authenticated them to make sure that they are basically what they say they are. And we see them in action.

Now, it is almost so exciting to know this, when you actually know it, and you actually experience certain aspects of it. You take on a whole different type of attitude. You start feeling brighter, you start feeling better, you start feeling lighter, you get spring in your step because of the fact that it’s a one-time deal. And I think we’re going to get it right this time. We’re going to turn the corner, and the human race is going to get it right.

And it’s so refreshing to hear people make statements with true, heartfelt convictions on the call tonight, to basically make the statement that hey, this isn’t about the money for me, this is about really, truly wanting to help people, and wanting to help people across the board. You know, we counsel people on their project usage and everything, but it’s really simple with projects. You don’t need a big confab with your projects. Basically what you do is, you start in your community.

There’s an old adage: ‘How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.’ And that’s all you need to do. That’s all you need to do. And there’s no… you don’t have to be a rocket scientist, you don’t have to have four Ph.Ds, you don’t have to have an MBA and years and years of experience, you just have to have it in your heart, and to know that what you want to do, you’re going to do. You’re going to help people, you’re going to help each other.

So getting to the actual shish-boom-ba-bang-shabang, and that is the financial shift here on the planet. And I’ll just say that generally for the entire planet earth, the entire population. The problem has always been… is that, I’ll give you an example: Mary sprained her ankle this morning, and by that evening, with people talking with people about Mary spraining her ankle, she’s in intensive care in a body cast.

And unfortunately, what a lot of people don’t realize is that information is deliberately leaked to kind of get it out there, to test the waters, to see how the audience responds to the information. What happens is, is that rumors start, alright? And they build. It’s human nature, it happens all the time. I’m sure you’ve all experienced it yourselves. The truth of the matter is one thing, but the end factor is an entirely whole different story that’s just blossomed into something just absolutely ridiculous, ok?

So when you have to coordinate with all different governments and cultures… imagine countries that have never, ever had a say about anything on the planet – never – they’ve been dumped on, treated like dog dung, had their currencies totally bastardized and destroyed for generations, and now they have a say. They actually have a say about what happens on planet earth. Imagine coordinating all of that. Before you even get to the money aspect, you’re coordinating, trying to get all these people in the proper positions of authority. And we’re not talking about most of the current governments, we’re talking about the new republic governments for the planet and coordinating all these people. All with different bringing-ups, all with different directions, attitudes, ideas, so on and so forth.

It’s massive. It is absolutely massive. And everybody signs documents. Everybody has to sign agreements. You have a record, you keep a record of all of this, so it’s done legit and legally and clean. Ok, so you have everybody sign documents and sign this agreement and that agreement. And then a few of them decide they change their minds. It all has to be done again. Now to the general public this looks like a stall, or it looks like a bunch of crap again, ok? Because they don’t know the facts. And it’s hard. How are they going to know the facts? They don’t. It’s all broken pieces, you know, it’s a bunch of broken pieces.

So they try to put two and two together with the calls that people have, and the conference calls and everything, and they do the best they can. But then what happens is, is that these things continue, and they keep leaking out, and people start twisting them – some knowingly, some not knowingly. And then everybody gets confused. Then they get frustrated. It’s like the boy who cried wolf one too many times. So after awhile people just say, ‘yeah, right’. So we are what we think, unfortunately. That’s very powerful. So what we think, we create. We’re all creators, we’ve had people reinforce that tonight on this call.

So when you think a certain way, you’re going to create it. So what do you get? If you think ‘is this ever going to happen?’ or ‘maybe it’s never going to happen’ or ‘oh my god, what’s going to… I need this now, I want it now, quit messing with me and give it to me, I want it now, I demand it now” – well, when you don’t really know the whole picture, the full scope of what’s really taking place on the planet, and the money part is a part of it but not all of it, it gets real frustrating.

So, you think about coordinating all of this, and all these different nationalities, all these different cultures, and people, and governments, and so forth, positioning them, putting militaries in the right place for the people, which is another undertaking when you have a military that actually thinks it is for the people, and it finds out it isn’t for the people, ok?

Now all of you on this call know one thing: you’re awakened. You’re all awakened at certain levels, ok? So you’re not the general pop. Now what happens with the general population is, is that – and I think you all know this – is that when you send information out to the general population, it’s dangerous. You’ve got to be careful, because you’ve got such a varying degree of perspective. It’s massive. It’s not uniform. It’s perspectives, different outlooks, different attitudes, different ideas. You’re giving this information out in a vanilla flavor but it isn’t taken that way. And it’s very difficult.

So every bit of information that goes out there gets twisted, it gets turned. And it causes problems. And it causes holdups because of that. So you keep trying to figure out a way to get the information out to the people so that the people can comprehend it and understand what’s actually transpiring. So what the end result is, is a call like tonight, where everybody’s downright had it, tired out, burned out, people in this for eight years, people in it for 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. You’ve got the prosperity package people that have been in this, some of them, for 45 years. And so it’s… well, you get to a point where you say, ‘yeah, well, you know…’. It’s a flip of the switch.

And so what you have is, is you get a situation that is, how safe can we have it before we can let it? How safe can we have it before we can let it? And the safety is for everybody. I’m sure you’ve all seen pictures of Black Friday. The proverbial Walmart video where people are just fighting over TV sets, ok? We all know what can happen in panic. If you were around the ’68 riots in Detroit. Those of you that were, know what happened, ok? What can happen to groups of people that are confused and misinformed, ok? All it takes is one little drop, one little drop, and you can see what can happen to the populace.

And it’s like a massive infection that spreads like wildfire. And once it spreads it’s almost primordial in the masses. So all of you are keepers of the flame, because you’re going to be the guidance for so many people. The responsibility is horrendous. It is absolutely paramount. You’ll receive your monies, but then the real work will start and never end. It will start and it will never end. It will be the rest of your life. And the responsibility is just absolutely massive.

And I think that a lot of you are so fearless, that a lot of you lost everything so, you know, you lose everything, you become the most dangerous being on the planet because you’ve got nothing to lose at that point. Someone who’s got nothing to lose is the most dangerous opponent you could possibly have.

So when you look at all of this and you say, so when’s this going to happen, when’s this going to happen? You know, all of this intel, it’s all crap, it’s all… we had the same thing played on us last year, we went through the same thing, and repetitive, repetitive… and all of the games have been played.

Now, we work closely with the admiral, the group there, and the native Americans, and the structures in Texas, and the structures in Atlanta, and we work very close with those people who are really… and you probably never will hear the stories, but the fearless work that they’ve put in to making this as smooth a transition as possible. So that we don’t have to have the preppers come out and say, you’ve got to save up food and you’ve got to do this and you’ve got to do that, scare the living bejeezus out of people and the country, just like they did with Y2K, alright?

And the thing is, is that there isn’t going to be armageddon in North America and America. The transition… the fiat currency, is for all intents and purposes, other than the masses not knowing about it on a global scale, has been put to rest. The gold-backed currencies… now remember something, is that when you have a certificate, the certificate represents something. You have a note, it’s an IOU. Just like the FRN.

Now the US, the new republic money, which will represent our country, the new republic money, is what will be released to the public. And people will go to the bank, you’ll go to the bank and you’ll say, what is this? Well, this is your new money, gold-backed currency, and all the American people will want to know: does it buy the same as the one I had before? Does it buy the same as the one I had before? Yes it does. Nothing’s different. The only thing is, is it’s gold backed. And then you think the American people at that point are going to worry about anything else? No, as long as it can buy what the other one did.

Now that process, and I’ll tell that emphatically, is completed. There’s no more dinking around with it, it’s already done. Trump has done his thing as he’s been ordered to do, and he’s doing it well. He’s taking care of things that should be taken care of. We have an entirely new republic government that has not presented itself to the public as of yet. That is in their camp, that they’re deciding right now, at this very moment, on when that is going to take place.

Now, the discussion has been of gradualization. You know what gradualization is, that’s how they’ve conditioned most of the American people. You do it a little bit at a time, a little sip at a time, a little sip at a time. You know, that’s when they dumbed-down the country when they went into the new math back in 1963. It’s a dog chasing its tail and ends up coming to a formal solution.

So anyway, what happens is, is you gradualize and you gradualize and you gradualize, and you condition people, and before they know it, and they don’t even know it, they’ve been conditioned. They accept things. It’s much easier to accept things that way. Now if you slap them in the face it’s going to be a lot harder, you almost have to force-feed them. So you do it through gradualization. So this is a different way.

This is going to be a slap upside the face. This is… we will have, and we do have already in place, many learning centers across America, where people will be able to go in, and they will be able to educate themselves, and it won’t cost any money, you won’t have to sign a bunch of paperwork, you just go in, kind of like a library in a way. But you’ll go in, and you’ll learn the true story of your country: what actually took place and what happened. It is to inform the people of the atrocities that were committed against them, so that they can pass it on to generations and generations ahead of them, so that that can never happen again.

You have to educate and inform the populace of the damages that were done to them. And that’s exactly what’s going to take place. And it’s going to take place all at once. Is that a good thing? Some people think it is. Other people think it’s a real bad mistake, because it’s going to shock a lot of people. But I think that the majority of the American people and the people on this call, there are other people that unfortunately couldn’t make it to the call, are aware of enough things to keep things in order and then align, so to speak, some form of assemblance [?]. But with some people, it’s the same old adage with this… it’s going to take another year, it’s going to take years, it’s going to take ten years, ok? And then people get upset because, oh, I can’t last that long. I just can’t last that long.

The fact of the matter is, when is this going to happen? I can tell you right now that it is, all of this, is on the verge of happening in the next 24 hours. Now, if (and there is the big ‘if’) if everything goes well accordingly, from what I can understand, and what I have been informed about, it is on the money, alright? It is just the way it is. And they’ve timed it a certain way, with all three layers of authority, on how this is going to happen.

It’s the same with the exchanges. It’s not going to be a big deal. It’s not going to be a big deal. It is going to be as simple as you walking into your local bank and saying, oh, I understand that there is new currency that has new value. Well yeah, and look at that. See, that looks good. And do you have a higher rate than that because I have a bunch of projects that I would like to take care of and I don’t have to continually try to raise funds to pay for those projects. And can I get a special rate if that’s possible? And I have proof here of some of my projects if you’d care to take a look at them, because it’s taken me a lot of time to put this stuff together. That’s basically it, right there.

Other people will just come in and say, wow, that’s a great rate. Can I have that? Yeah, there you go. People will become money managers. And it’s all going to be about managing the money, folks. It’s not going to be about having the money, it’s going to be about managing the money. It’s going to be huge, huge: accountants, finance people… it’ll be a boom in jobs, an absolute boom in jobs. Just absolutely phenomenal.

Now understand that all colleges and universities across America will end up being free. Because there’s a lot of people that plan on making sure that it’s free. So they go into the university or college… I’ll give you all one of them, here’s one of them: you go into a university or college in your state. You sit down with the dean, president, you network or you get in with people. You say, look, what I would like to do right now is I would like to pay all the college tuition for all undergrads and grads, Ph.D program, for the next ten years. No matter how much it is. I’ll establish a fund, my people will manage that fund, and then I will be able to keep track of that, and you pay that out. You will be able to pay all of the college tuition in this country for every student that wants to get an education. And there will be a lot of changes at the universities too, because the books will be rewritten.

But the fact of the matter is, the amount of effect that, let’s just say, the 700 people on this call can make is absolutely spectacular. And these are the things that we’re discussing now. We’re not discussing, you know, when’s this going to happen, because it’s already in the gut; it’s already in the chute. So these are the things that are being discussed now: I’m going to do that, and I’m going to do this, and I’m going to do that.

And obviously some people… you know, there’s a formula that was established years and years ago. Out of a million people, and everybody’s saying they’re going to do something, usually when they are finally faced with everything and all the challenges and everything that’s thrown at them, usually one in a million will follow through with it.

Now, I think that’s a totally different story with the people on this call and they’re people who have stuck this out. And I take my hat off to you and I salute you all, that you’ve stuck this out through thick and thin, through how many years or months or weeks or days you’ve been in it.

There’s a reason for that, because you were all chosen to do it. In some way, shape, or form, you’ve been brought to this one path, this one circle, the circle of influence. And the circle of influence is each and every one of you. And you’ve all done a spectacular job with it. No matter how burned out, tired, and sick and falling apart you are, whatever your challenge is, we’ve lost over 4,000 people that were close friends of ours through the last 36 years, from every kind of calamity, every kind of challenge. There’s not a day that goes by that we don’t think about each and every one of them.

But what we have now is we have a consensus, and a fluid movement of massive amounts of money. Now, you see a very large amount being processed out there, and then everybody’s going to be taken care of. That’s pretty simple. Scaring the living bejeezus out of people, ‘all kinds of bad things are going to happen to you, you’ve got to be really careful’… it’s just, bascially it’s just, it’s all been taken care of. Just be aware, look around, look over your shoulder, look exactly… be clear on what you’re doing. Clear on what you say afterwards. That’s all you’ve got to do, it’s like anything else, you win the lotto and you win 500 million dollars, there’s all of a sudden you gotta change the way you are: the way you act, the way you talk, what you attract.

Folks, you’re the minority. Not the majority that’s being given this wealth, the minority. So nothing really changes outside of where you’re at, ok? It’s still the same. People struggling, people suffering, you know? People losing their homes, people not being able to eat, veterans living in cardboard boxes under bridge overpasses. You know? I mean it goes on and on.

To effect the change, you are the folks. You are the ones. You are going to effect that change. You’re going to get those veterans out of those overpasses; you’re going to fix the bridges, the roads; you’re going to make your counties and your cities, your towns, clean and well-run and organized; and groups of people working for people with the law of the land and not the sea.

And there’s a lot of work to be done. Don’t get fooled into thinking that everything’s going to be done for you, because it is not. There’s a massive amount of work out there that we’re all going to be tasked with doing. But in the long run it’s going to be a lot of fun, it’s going to be very fulfilling. And it will warm every single person’s heart and spirit for many generations to come.

See, you’re all pioneers, and you’re all entrepreneurs, and you’re all philanthropists, and you’re all humanitarians. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got 25 dinar. It doesn’t matter. The massive, massive, unending wealth… it’s just, there isn’t even a figure to pin it. There’s no name for the amount of wealth. It is just absolutely unending. I’ve seen these places underground, it is, it’s like out of a science-fiction movie. Period. And the bad guys have been trying to steal it for centuries. Steal it, steal it, steal it, steal it, steal it. And they just haven’t been successful. They just have not been successful.

So positive, reinforcing, phenomenal – you all have had phenomenal impact and I pray and I continue to have faith that you’ll have phenomenal impact on the next several hours here. And then everybody is just going to hopefully stay together, work together, network – several heads are better than one, and we all have strengths and weaknesses. You know, the mastermind group that National Steel used years and years ago, it’s a good thing to put into practice: it’s getting groups of people together in mastermind groups that have a lot of, it doesn’t matter if they’re 100 years old, as long as they have that wisdom and that knowledge, and those skills, we can use every single able-bodied person we can possibly get our hands on.

The biggest problem is going to be employment. Massive amounts of people will be needed – massive. When you have technology that can heal everything wrong with you, that can re-atomize limbs on your body; if the veterans who have lost limbs, every limb will be re-atomized. And they won’t have to rehab it, they’ll be able to use it just right away. It’ll be like a new limb. Those technologies are used. They have been used – I’ll put it that way. So it’s not like they’re something that someone flipped out of some science-fiction book, those are a reality.

You want to stay 35 years old? You can stay 35 years old if you understand the responsibility of staying 35 years old. Any disease that you have in your body, all the diseases on the planet were created like we were, in a petri dish. And they wanted to test the human genetics to see how we could combat these different diseases. This planet was never meant to have all these different diseases. I kid you not. And you know, the atrocities go on and on and on, and it’s not meant to… people get super pissed… it’s to make everybody come together and say, well, we’re going to end this, it’s not going to happen anymore.

Although as far as they tell you, they have one technology that is ET origin, that a person can pass, and after a few hours, not for long, not days and days and days, but a few hours after that person has passed, they can bring them back to life in this chamber. That actually is a reality. And I’ll give you an example where it was first shown, and again it was in a science-fiction movie. But if any of you get a copy of SG1 Stargate, the movie with Kurt Russell, alright? If any of you have seen that movie, there is a part in there where the alien keeps himself young by staying in this chamber, and where they bring a couple of people back to life… that chamber, that technology, will be released to the human race.

I mean, this stuff is so exciting, it’s positive, it’s uplifting, it is absolutely miraculous stuff. We should have let go of the combustion engine 100 years ago. We shouldn’t be using carbon-based fuels, we should have gotten rid of those decades ago, ok? We have anti-gravitic drive. The Germans used it years ago, back in WWII, alright? I mean ,it goes on and on and on. Electric cars will become a thing of the past. We have an inventor right now that has an electric motor with a battery, a bio-organic battery, where you can drive an electric car indefinitely without recharging, ok? We’ve seen this thing in action.

So it’s just mind-boggling, it’s just so exciting. It’s just absolutely phenomenal. I wanted to make sure that I could share some of that with you guys tonight, because this is an uplifting time, this is phenomenal, energizing, knock-your-socks-off, blow-your-wigs-to-fire, unbelievable. Just unbelievable. It is just phenomenally fantastic. It’s spectacular. It’s better than 5,000 4th of July’s. It is just anything you could imagine being happy in your life right now. If you could have a wish come true, it will come true. It will come true.

So this is just speaking and sharing with you what I’m allowed to do tonight, it is basically the truth on what has transpired. That’s it.

Have a great day!

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